ພັກປະຊາຊົນ ປະຕິວັດລາວ ທີ່ມີກຽດສະຫງ່າ ໝັ້ນຍືນ! ຊົມເຊີຍວັນສ້າງຕັ້ງພັກປະຊາຊົນປະຕິວັດລາວ ຄົບຮອບ 65 ປີ ຢ່າງສຸດໃຈ! ຂໍ່ານັບຮັບຕ້ອນວັນຄ້າຍວັນເກີດປະທານ ໄກສອນ ພົມວິຫານ ຄົບຮອບ 100 ປີ; ວັນສະຖາປະນາ ສປປ ລາວ ຄົບຮອບ 45 ປີ; ກອງປະຊຸມໃຫຍ່ ຄັ້ງທີ XI ຂອງພັກປະຊາຊົນ ປະຕິວັດລາວ; ກອງປະຊຸມໃຫຍ່ອົງຄະນະພັກ ຄັ້ງທີ IV ຂອງກະຊວງການຕ່າງປະເທດ ແລະ ວັນການທູດລາວ ຄົບຮອບ 77 ປີ.

State Leaders





24th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting

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Press Conference

by H.E. Saleumxay KOMMASITH,

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Lao PDR

29 January 2024, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR


- Good afternoon,

- Members of the Media, Ladies and Gentlemen,


  • It is my pleasure to hold this press conference to share with you on the outcome of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Retreat (AMM Retreat), which was recently concluded with fruitful outcome.
  • The AMM Retreat is the first Meeting of ASEAN Foreign Ministers under Lao PDR’s ASEAN Chairmanship 2024 with the theme “ASEAN: Enhancing Connectivity and Resilience”.
  • It is my great honor and pleasure to chair the AMM Retreat this morning.
  • In the meeting, we had a candid and fruitful discussion on a number of issues related to the ASEAN Community Building, including the implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, priorities for the Lao PDR’s ASEAN Chairmanship and ASEAN’s external relations, and exchanged views on regional and international issues of common interest and concern.
  • Next, I will share with you the outcome of our discussion and also the views shared on regional and international issues.

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