ພັກປະຊາຊົນ ປະຕິວັດລາວ ທີ່ມີກຽດສະຫງ່າ ໝັ້ນຍືນ! ຊົມເຊີຍວັນສ້າງຕັ້ງພັກປະຊາຊົນປະຕິວັດລາວ ຄົບຮອບ 65 ປີ ຢ່າງສຸດໃຈ! ຂໍ່ານັບຮັບຕ້ອນວັນຄ້າຍວັນເກີດປະທານ ໄກສອນ ພົມວິຫານ ຄົບຮອບ 100 ປີ; ວັນສະຖາປະນາ ສປປ ລາວ ຄົບຮອບ 45 ປີ; ກອງປະຊຸມໃຫຍ່ ຄັ້ງທີ XI ຂອງພັກປະຊາຊົນ ປະຕິວັດລາວ; ກອງປະຊຸມໃຫຍ່ອົງຄະນະພັກ ຄັ້ງທີ IV ຂອງກະຊວງການຕ່າງປະເທດ ແລະ ວັນການທູດລາວ ຄົບຮອບ 77 ປີ.

State Leaders


70LaoFrance remark

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by H.E. Saleumxay KOMMASITH, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Lao PDR at the reception on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Lao PDR and the France Republic, Vientiane, 17th November 2023

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Statement by His Excellency Saleumxay Kommasith 

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs

at the General Debate of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly



20230923 DPM UNGA 1

20230923 DPM UNGA 3

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Hand OverAsean1

Remarks by H.E. Sonexay SIPHANDONE, Prime Minister

 of the Lao PDR at the Handover Ceremony

of the ASEAN Chairmanship to the Lao PDR

7 September, 2023, Jakarta, Indonesia

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